Diversatek Healthcare (U.S.A)
Diversatek Healthcare is a world leading developer and marketer of innovative G.I. Diagnostic solutions. They are pioneer in Impedance/pH Total Reflux Monitoring for acid and non-acid reflux, forever changing worldwide diagnostic practice for refractory GERD.
Their equally innovative High Resolution Impedance Manometry (HRiM®) system provides the world with the first high resolution Manometry System capable of concurrently assessing bolus transit with impedance.
For further details please click : https://www.diversatekhealthcare.com/
Echosens, the inventor of the first medical device for measuring liver elasticity (the FibroScan® 502), is pushing innovation even further in 2010 with the development of the CAP™.
In recent years, the prevalence of metabolic illnesses (type 2 diabetes and obesity) has been on the rise in the world. These illnesses have given rise to numerous complications including NAFLD (Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease).
For further details please click : https://www.echosens.com/en/
Nuova Sb System founded in Milan ,is the leading company in the sector of filtration solutions for problems linked to fluid contamina-tion, and complete treatment systems, disinfection, purification and filtration of water.
Nuova Sb System provides innovation systems meant for security and efficiency in the treatment of cleaning and disinfection of flexible endoscopes. Our endoscope washer-disinfection prevents the regeneration of bacteria and transmission of infections.
For further details please click : https://sbsystem.it/products/